There is only one lowest.
DISCUS lowered the LAER.
What’s that? According to the EPA, it’s the Lowest Achievable Emission Rate, and only DISCUS has it. Lower than any other floating roof system out there – Steel or Aluminum.

When it comes to emissions, DISCUS delivers the lowest, the LAER. How? Through a combination of our overall deck design, several fixture redesigns, and specialty seals:
Deck Design
- The DISCUS Openraft™ comes with either fully welded seams or an ultra low emissions bolted option
- The DISCUS Openraft™ is light enough to be suspended, eliminating emissions through legs and leg sleeves
- Because the DISCUS Openraft™ is strong as steel, and designed without drains, all drain emissions are eliminated
Component redesigns
- DISCUS has a true single emission combination manway/PV vent
- DISCUS designed a better way to limit emissions through funnels
- DISCUS has zero-loss legs
Many times, DISCUS can get lower than anyone else with our double shoe seals – the most durable seal configuration. But when required, we can achieve even lower emissions with our patented Armored Liquid Mounted Seal.
Combining these emissions factors and creating a system that optimizes our customers’ priorities allows us to qualify for the Best Available Control Technology. When the Lowest Achievable Emissions Rate is required, we include all these options.