Are you subject to RACT / BACT or LAER?
Your Source Description | The EPA’s NSR Required Control Technology |
Existing Source Non-Attainment Area | R A C T (Reasonably Available Control Technology) |
New or Modified Source Attainment Area | B A C T (Best Available Control Technology) |
New or Modified Source Non-Attainment Area | L A E R (Lowest Achievable Emissions Rate) |
DISCUS emissions control technology improves BACT and lowers LAER
New on the DISCUS OpenRaft™ — not available with any other aluminum IFR:
- The lowest bolted seam loss factor ever tested — 700x lower than the default (BACT)
- No drains: DISCUS has the only aluminum floating roof designed to meet API 650 requirements for an IFR without drains (LAER)
- Liquid-mounted seal: exclusively from DISCUS is an armored liquid-mounted seal (LAER)
Recent technology — and included on the DISCUS OpenRaft™ (BACT):
- Welded seams (zero loss)
Previous technology — and included on the DISCUS OpenRaft™ (BACT):
- Eliminate loss through leg penetrations (replace legs with chains, use fixed or sealed legs)
- Add sleeves, floats, gaskets and wipers to gauge poles